High quality tunnel & glide nets
Mushroom farming
Tunnel nets
TenCate Nicolon tunnel nets are indispensable when emptying compost tunnels. These high-quality textile nets allow you to do this quickly and efficiently, without leaving any compost in the tunnel. TenCate produces 3 types of tunnel nets developed on the basis of the compost manufacturers’ requirements.
Type R176 is used for phase 1 compost. Types R875 and R186 are mainly used in the processes of Phase 2 and Phase 3 compost. Differences between these types are found mainly in tensile strength, aeration and pulling temperature. Good aeration saves considerable energy cost and proper cleaning after each batch is recommended. In addition, the R176 and R186 are also resistant to higher temperatures during pulling, saving time at every batch produced. It is necessary to cool the R875 to a tunnel temperature of about 25º C / 77º F before starting the pulling process.
Glide nets
Glide nets are placed under the tunnel nets which not only lengthen the lifespan of the tunnel nets, but also cause a considerable reduction in resistance: the friction coefficient is reduced from 0.8 to 0.25, meaning more weight can be handled than when no glide nets are being used.
At the moment, TenCate Nicolon has 2 types of glide nets in its portfolio, which are all used in various situations. The R762 is intended for the heavy work, and is very suitable in combination with R176 (phase 1) and R186 (phase 2/3) tunnel nets. The R448 glide net is available for usage in phases 2 and 3 in combination with the R186 and R875 tunnel nets.
TenCate produces the glide nets in the size you specify, with side cords and/or seams, if necessary. In order to have an optimum effect the nets must be checked regularly for any damage.

Download Nicolon documentation

Composting and Mushroom Cultivation

Use instructions on Nicolon glide nets
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